Knowledge Connect
Knowledge Connect
Need help retaining organizational knowledge? Our manual creation tools will help you document and share your operational know how.
Translation tool combining automatic translation, translation memory, and reliable proofreading checks.
AR Tools
AR Tools
Keep head office and branch operations in synch with these smart solutions.
VR Showroom
VR Showroom
VR showrooms for unmanned and no-inventory stores.
Hiyari Hatto VR
Hiyari Hatto VR
Have a workplace training need that is difficult to replicate for safety or other practical reasons. Virtual reality may be the solution.
AI Contact
AI Contact
Eye tracking technology for hands-free purchasing and other novel applications.
AI Contents Search
AI Contents Search
Get the information you need from company documents and manuals smoothly and easily with our chatbot tools.
MaaS Business Development
MaaS Business Development
Looking to get involved in the MaaS industry, but don't know where to start? Let us help get you up and running.
Knowledge Transmission & Business Process Management
Knowledge Transmission & Business Process Management
Turn tacit understandings into documented know-how to increase corporate brand value.
Multiplay VR
Multiplay VR
Create virtual spaces, objects, and experiences with our VR solutions.
VR Prototyping
VR Prototyping
Want to implement agile development? We'll help you take advantage of the power of VR to speed up prototyping, evaluating, and iterating new products.
AR Repair Manual
AR Repair Manual
AR applications that enable you to understand internal structures and intuitive procedural explanations.
ICT for Real Estate Promotion
ICT for Real Estate Promotion
Optimize your real estate promotion strategies with AR and VR tools.
Workplace Kaizen
Workplace Kaizen
End-to-end process improvement based on an unrivalled understanding of your business processes.
VR Content
VR Content
Optimal VR applications for a full sensory experience that you won't forget.
Digital Sales Support Tools for Real Estate
Digital Sales Support Tools for Real Estate
Digital sales support tools that help you streamline and make sense of real estate data.
Training Programs
Training Programs
Practical training programs tailored to the needs of your workplace.
Make mobile working a reality with our content production and management systems.
Manual Writing, Editing, and Translation
Manual Writing, Editing, and Translation
Unrivalled product knowledge and expressive capabilities for optimal manual development.
Automotive Business Development
Automotive Business Development
Expert support for your next automotive industry venture.
Total Printing
Total Printing
Modern printing solutions that meet the needs of today’s customers.